Upload Require Docs – Teacher Re-Certification

USJF Membership Card


SafeSport training & certification through the U.S. Center for SafeSport (USCSS) is now available. A number of us have been able to successfully take and complete the training ourselves.

  • Using Enrollment Keys and Coupons
    • USJF Enrollment Key: FUSJF-042221
    • USJF Coupon Code: FUSJF18S1042721

SafeSport Registration

Concussion Training

As a leader in the education of Judo, the USJF has been monitoring and working with experts regarding the provision of improving the safety and security of all our members and member clubs. We are acknowledging the trend and the need to actively provide the tools in which USJF members can feel confident that issues such as abuse and concussion will be managed and that all clubs will be knowledgeable of their obligations to their dojo members.  You have two choices either the; National Federation of High School (CDC approve) or CDC – Headsup Concussion Training

NFHS Concussion Registration


CDC Concussion – Headsup Registration

USJF Membership Card

Submit copy of your USJF Membership Card

Submit copy of Proof of
Rank; USJF, USJA, USA Judo or IJF

(The Certificate of Promotion can be Sankyu and Higher)

Course Requirement Upload

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
USJF Membership (Current)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
SafeSport (Current)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
CDC Concussion/NFHS (National Federation of High School Concussion)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Black Belt Certificate (18yrs older)