M4- Summary

 ...For Local Referee Summary – Module 3 Local Referee Module 3 expanded on judo rules, providing additional examples of Ippon, Wazari, non-scoring throws, landings, and less common penalties with their corresponding gestures. By the end of the module,...

M3- Summary

 ...For Local Referee Summary – Module 3 Local Referee Module 3 expanded on judo rules, providing additional examples of Ippon, Wazari, non-scoring throws, landings, and less common penalties with their corresponding gestures. By the end of the module,...

M3- For Local Referee

 ...For Local Referee Contest Rules and Referee Education Referees serve a crucial role in promoting competition among athletes by ensuring fair and safe oversight of contests. Becoming a USJF local referee not only contributes to the enjoyment of judo but also...

Start Module 4

Contest Rules Referee Education Congratulations! You completed USJF Contest Rules and Referee Education Module 3. Module 4 provides additional examples of Ippon, Wazari, non-scoring landings and less common penalities and their gestures, including direct Hansoku Make....

M3- Penalties

Penalties In this section, we continue our discussion of the penalties.  The entire list of penalties is discussed in Modules 2 through 5, in the order of most common to least common. In Module 3, you will examine the following penalties; Shido for a Lack of...