M4- Summary

 ...For Local Referee Summary – Module 3 Local Referee Module 3 expanded on judo rules, providing additional examples of Ippon, Wazari, non-scoring throws, landings, and less common penalties with their corresponding gestures. By the end of the module,...

M5- Penalties – Shido

Module 5 In Module 5 – Penalties you will examine; Shido for an Illegal Move – Hooking one leg between the opponent’s legs – To take the judo-gi in the mouth – To put a foot or a leg in the opponent’s belt, collar or lapel – To kick with...

M5- Penalties – Hansoku make

Penalties In the next Section, we complete our discussion of the penalties that was started in Module 2. The entire list of penalties is discussed in Modules 2 through 5, in the order of most common to least common. Hansoku Make (Grave Penalty) – Hansoku-make...

M5- Nage waza Scoring

In Module 3, we introduced the concept that there are an infinite number of landing possibilities for a given throw and then also discussed several examples of marginal landings;  Ippon / Wazari and Wazari / No Score. In the next sections, we’ll continue reviewing...

Module 5 – Penalities

Module 5 In Module 5 – Penalties you will examine; Shido for an Illegal Move Hooking one leg between the opponent’s legs To take the judogi in the mouth To put a foot or a leg in the opponent’s belt, collar or lapel To kick with the knee or foot, the hand or arm...