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Contest Rules and Referee Education:

Local/Regional Certification

5 Modules

Module 1: Overview

Module 1 provides a general  introduction to the contest rules including; judo contest basics, bowing procedures, gripping, throw scoring, mat work scoring, common referee hand signals and calls, penalty overview and how to read the scoreboard.  It is a great base knowledge module for all interested in knowing more about Judo contest rules.  The module incorporates three sections: Procedures, Scoring and Penalties.

At the conclusion of Module 1;
  • You will be able to assemble elements of a judo contest, contest bowing, kumi kata (gripping), judo -gi, referee hand signals and calls and scoreboard basics.
  • You will be able to differentiate Tachiwaza Scoring – Ippon and Wazari, Ne-waza Scoring – Osaekomi, Shime-waza and Kansetsu-waza.
  • You will examine and distinguish the difference between Shido (Slight Penalty) and Hansoku Make (Grave Penalty).

Module 1: Procedures

  • Introduction to a Judo Contest
  • Contest Bowing Procedures
  • Kumi Kata (Gripping)
  • Judo Gi
  • Referee Hand Signals and Calls
  • Scoreboard Basics

Module 1: Scoring

  • Tachiwaza Scoring
    • Ippon
    • Wazari
  • Ne-waza Scoring
    • Osaekomi
    • Shime-waza 
    • Kansetsu-waza 

Module 1: Penalties

  • Shido (Slight Penalty)
  • Hansoku Make (Grave Penalty) Overview
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Module 2: Overview

Module 2 provides more contest rule information, including; Referee’s focus, positioning and attire, examples of Ippon, Wazari and Osaekomi and common penalties and their gestures.  The module incorporates three sections: Procedures, Scoring and Penalties.

At the conclusion of Module 2, you will be able to;
  • Describe the referee’s focus, positioning and attire
  • Differentiate Scoring – Ippon, Wazari and Osaekomi
  • Distinguish common penalties and their gestures.

Module 2: Procedures

  • Referee Focus
  • Safety of the Players
  • Fairness and Consistency
  • Referee Positioning
  • Attire

Module 2: Scoring

  • Nage waza Scoring
    • Ippon – Clear examples
    • Wazari – Clear examples
  • Ne waza Scoring
    • Osaekomi – Clear examples
  • Tachi waza / Ne waza Transition

Module 2: Penalties

  • Shido (Slight Penalty)
    • Shido for a Lack of Combativity
    • Shido for an Illegal Move
  • Hansoku-make (Grave Penalty)
    • Hansoku-make for Acts against the Spirit of Judo (cannot continue)
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Module 3: Overview

Module 3 provides more examples of Ippon, Wazari, non-scoring throws, landings and less common penalties and their gestures.

At the conclusion of Module 3, you will be able to;

  • Differentiate marginal landing examples of Scoring – Ippon and Wazari
  • Distinguish score and no score landings
  • Examine and distinguish penalty for lack of combativity
  • Distinguish illegal moves in kumi-kata

Module 3: Scoring

Nage waza Scoring

  • Ippon or Wazari -Marginal landing examples
  • Score or No Score – Continuation examples

Module 3: Penalties

  • Shido (Slight Penalty)
  • Shido for an Illegal Move
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Module 4: Overview

Module 4 provides additional examples of Ippon, Wazari, non-scoring landings and less common penalities and their gestures, including direct Hansoku Make.

At the conclusion of Module 4, you will be able to;

  • Differentiate marginal landing examples of Scoring – Wazari or no score 90 degree landings and no score shoulder/upper back
  • Examine and distinguish penalty for lack of combativity, illegal move and untidy attire or hair
  • Distinguish Hansoku-make for dangerous techniques.

Module 4: Scoring

  • Nage waza Scoring
    • Score or No Score-marginal landing examples
    • Wazari or No Score 90 degree– marginal landing examples
    • Wazari or No Score Shoulder/ Upper Back- marginal landing examples

Module 4: Penalties

  • Shido (Slight Penalty)
    • Shido for a Lack of Combativity
    • Shido for an Illegal Move
    • Shido for Untidy Attire or Hair
  • Hansoku Make (Grave Penalty)
    • Hansoku-make for Dangerous Techniques  (can continue)
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Module 5: Overview

Module 5 provides additional examples of Ippon, Wazari, non-scoring landings and less common penalities and their gestures, including direct Hansoku Make.

At the conclusion of Module 5, you will be able to;

  • Differentiate opponents counter attack and push down examples
  • Examine and distinguish grip below belt at end phase of throws and Kaeshi waza
  • Analyze and assess Shido for an Illegal move
  • Examine and assess Hansoku-make for dangerous techniques.

Module 5B: Scoring

Nage waza Scoring

    • Counter roll to back examples
    • Grip below belt at end phase of throw examples
    • Kaeshi waza examples

Module 5C: Penalties

Shido (Slight Penalty) Shido for an Illegal Move

    • Hooking one leg between the opponent’s legs
    • Take the judogi in the mouth
    • Put a foot or a leg in the opponent’s belt, collar or lapel.
    • To kick with the knee or foot, the hand or arm of the opponent
    • Both of the contestants are in a tachi-shisei (standing position) and one or both apply kansetsu-waza or shime-waza
    • No score and shido for reverse seoi-nage

Hansoku Make (Grave Penalty)

    • Hansoku-make for Acts against the Spirit of Judo (cannot continue)
    • To apply kawazu-gake
    • To apply kansetsu-waza anywhere other than to the elbow joint
    • To fall directly to the tatami while applying or attempting to apply techniques such as Ude-Hishigi-Waki-Gatame
    • To reap the opponents supporting leg from the inside
    • To make any action this may endanger or injure the opponent
    • To intentionally fall backwards when the other contestant is clinging to his back
    • To lift the opponent off the tatami and forcefully push him back onto the tatami without a judo technique.
    • To disregard the referee’s instructions
    • To wear a hard or metallic object
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Course Content

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Module 1: Summary
Module 2
Penalties - Shido
Penalties - Hansoku-Make
Module 2: Summary
Module 3
Penalties - Shido (Slight Penalty
Module 3: Summary
Penalties - Shido
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