M5- Nage waza Scoring

In Module 3, we introduced the concept that there are an infinite number of landing possibilities for a given throw and then also discussed several examples of marginal landings;  Ippon / Wazari and Wazari / No Score. In the next sections, we’ll continue reviewing...

M4- PenaltIes

Penalties In the next Section, we continue our discussion of the penalties.  The entire list of penalties is discussed in Modules 2 through 5, in the order of most common to least common.  Note that discussions for the less common Hansoku-Make (grave infringements)...

M4- Nage waza Scoring

Nage-waza Scoring In this section, we differentiate marginal landing examples of Scoring – Wazari or no score 90 degree landings and no score shoulder/upper back In Module 3, we introduced the concept that there are an infinite number of landing possibilities for a...

M4- Tachi-waza Scoring (Marginal)

Module 4: Tachi-waza Scoring In this lesson we will examine; – Ippon – Marginal Scoring – Wazari – Marginal Scoring – No Score – Marginal...

M4- Penalties: Shido

In Module 4 – Penalties you will distinguish – An action designed to give the impression of an attack – Ne-waza – tachi waza transition – Continually keep the opponent’s fingers of one or both hands interlocked – Bending back the...