by Mitchell Palacio | Uncategorized
Nage-no-kata Nage-no-Kata “forms of throwing” is one of the two randori-no-kata, free practice forms of Kodokan Judo. It is intended as an illustration of the various concepts of nage-waza (throwing techniques) that exist in judo, and is used both as a training method...
by Mitchell Palacio | Uncategorized
Yoko-sutemi-waza (side sacrifice techniques) Yoko gake (Side hook) Yoko guruma (Side wheel) Uki waza (Floating...
by Mitchell Palacio | Uncategorized
Ma-sutemi-waza (rear sacrifice techniques) Tomoe nage (Circle throw) Ura nage (Rear throw) Sumi gaeshi (Corner...
by Mitchell Palacio | Uncategorized
Ashi-waza (foot techniques) Okuri-ashi-harai (Sliding foot sweep) Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi (Propping and drawing ankle throw) Uchi-mata (Inner thigh...
by Mitchell Palacio | Uncategorized
Koshi-waza (Hip Technique) Uki-goshi Harai-goshi...